Museum Wrap Up

Let me start of by saying that apparently I am VERY camera challenged this week. All week long I looked at things and thought about taking a picture, but then didn't. For the museum I took a ton of pictures, and then promptly left my camera in the classroom yesterday. So... I did have a couple of pictures on my phone, and that is what we are going with. After all I do love the museum, but I am also thankful that it is behind me for another year.

This first picture has five examples of shelter for the Wichita tribe. I am always amazed by all the different ways that students go about creating the same thing. Our students don't have a lot, but they are so creative with how they use their materials.

This was my fourth year to do the Native American museum with our fourth grade. It is so funny to see the quality of artifacts created each year, because they seem to be mostly amazing or mostly in need of some help. Of course I am always willing to help a student make their artifact better so long as they put in the effort to begin with. I can honestly say that I was impressed by the amount of effort and quality that went into the projects this year. 

Above you can see many examples of tools and weapons that were used. This group created a great variety of artifacts. They have a couple shields, bow and arrows, tomahawks, and a spear. Again, I am impressed by their creative uses of their materials. 

We had a great turnout for our museum. Every class from our school visited in addition to lots of parents, community members, central office staff, and even our superintendent came by. 

I received awesome and encouraging feedback all day long which is what makes this endeavor so worth it. 

What was my students' take away? Standing up for three hours hurts and kindergarteners were the best listeners. 

1 comment:

  1. Can i have more information on your Native American Museum stuff you did?

    Janae Igo
    4th Grade teacher in Sundown, TX
