Bright Ideas Blog Hop: Meaningful Connections

Some truly amazing bloggers and I are teaming up to present some Bright Ideas that have been working wonders in our classrooms! I am ready to take notes on everyone's ideas and try them out, but first I wanted to share mine!

A couple of weeks ago I went to a professional development all about relevant review. I learned some great ways to integrate review into every lesson, and still keep it interesting. 

Today I want to share a strategy for meaningful, deep connections to text called four dots. Students start by making four dots on their paper to form a rectangle. Each dot gets a topic. You can choose four texts, characters, people, or really any combination you choose. Then they "connect the dots" with connections or commonalities between the topics. 

This is an example that our class created on four characters from Because of Winn-Dixie. This was the very first time we did this activity, so the connections are pretty surface level. They have gotten better each and every time though. 

One reason that I absolutely fell in LOVE with this strategy is because it is so easy and quick! There are no copies, no prep, no stress. I love to stop during our read aloud and complete one quickly as a class or in partners. It is very quick and helps my students to solidify their learning right on the spot! What more could you ask for!

NEXT UP on the hop is Melissa from First Grade Smiles and her Bright Idea about keeping track of student data. Be sure to check her out!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I have never seen this before. Definitely something to use in my room :) Thank you for sharing.

    Teaching in Room 6
