Ways to Refresh Over the Summer

Ways to Refresh Over the Summer and make sure you are ready for the next school year.

This past weekend I was running around with a chicken with my head cut off, as one does on a day when EVERYTHING is scheduled, and it donned on my that summer is half-way over for most teachers. I don't know why, but a sense of horror washed over me. It occurred to me, that for the most part I am still in teacher mode. I have still been pouring over Pinterest, thinking about curriculum, and wondering about my students. While I don't think there is anything I can do about that last one, the first two have to stop, if even just for a few days.
So here is my game plan to refresh myself. I would love to hear below what you do to make sure that you are relaxed and refreshed over the summer!
Ways to Refresh Over the Summer and make sure you are ready for the next school year.

Walk Away

Put down the computer and walk away. Plan some time where you can completely unplug and enjoy it! My favorite is hiking. Living in Austin we have an abundance of green spaces that are nearby and make for great trips to spend a few hours out and about. Some other favorites are the community pool, a concert, and let's be honest a good stroll around Target. 
Ways to Refresh Over the Summer and make sure you are ready for the next school year.

Get Away

This can be as literal as you want it to be. I am a big fan of traveling, and in fact am getting ready to leave for six weeks, but for others traveling can be stressful. Either way, plan some time for a little adventure whether it be to check out a new restaurant in town or a trip away from your home state. Either way, you are sure to feel refreshed after a little time away. 
Ways to Refresh Over the Summer and make sure you are ready for the next school year.


If you are anything like me then there is just no way that you can press pause on your teacher brain for the whole summer. If this sounds like you, then give into it just a little. For me, Mondays are my prep days. I plan a small project, some research, or a little general prep that I can do for a couple of hours. This way I feel like I am accomplishing something that will help me out during the school year, but it doesn't become overwhelming and take over the summer. 
Ways to Refresh Over the Summer and make sure you are ready for the next school year.

Do Something Just for You

This is another one that means something different to everyone. For me this means taking a nap whenever I want, going to the library and checking out books that I have been meaning to read for months, or marathoning a terrible show on Netflix. These may sound like terrible ideas to you, but that is exactly the point! This one is just for you. You get to do what you want!

You've heard my plan! Now what is your plan to make sure that you are feeling refreshed this summer?

Ways to Refresh Over the Summer and make sure you are ready for the next school year.

1 comment:

  1. Great list! I just got away and now I am tackling all the things that piled up while I was gone!

    The Math Maniac
