Wait Time Two

The life changing miracle that is wait time two in the classroom.
I know you have heard of wait time. You know, the 2-3 seconds you wait after asking a question before you actually have a student answer. Wait time works miracles in getting student engagement up and providing more thoughtful contributions to classroom discussions. 

BUT have you heard of wait time two? I am going to be honest, I hadn't. I have been using wait time one, the traditional wait time, all my life. Even as a teenage babysitter I used it. It just seems so natural, and once you start using it, you love it. 

A few weeks ago I was talking to some teacher friends, and they were discussing wait time two. I knew what wait time was, but was confused by the two that they were adding. Could I be missing something important? I had to ask. 

Have you heard of wait time two? Find out what you are missing out on!My friend was SO excited to share with me that wait time two is the time you wait, the same approximate 2-3 seconds, after a student answers before you speak again. Immediately my brain started swimming through the application of this. I mean, we always want our students to elaborate on their answers, and what a great way to tell them that we are expecting more without saying, "Tell me more," until we are blue in the face.

I had to try it out, and right away. I didn't have any students readily available, so I went with another friend. I asked her a basic question, "How was your day?" She answered with the basic, "You know, busy," I continued to wait rather than offering feedback, and sure enough she elaborated on her day by telling me all about what was going on in her life.

AMAZING. I mean life changing amazing.

So, my challenge to you is to try it out. Give it a try with your students, a friend, your significant other, and then let me know how it goes in the comments, because I think this is going to be a game changer!

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