My Annexation Notebook

Welcome back for the Annexation edition of a peek inside my Texas History INB. If you would like to check out previous entries on setting up your notebookmapsregions of TexasNative AmericansEuropean explorersSpanish MissionsColonization, the Texas Revolution, or Republic of Texas just click on the title. 
Annexation is kind of a foreign language for fourth graders. I admit that it is a tough thing to teach. The idea that one country would WANT to be taken over and included in another is a bit tricky, but it can also be really fun!

I start the unit out by reviewing what we learned about the Republic of Texas and we go back over the Successes and Challenges Sort that we completed.
We use this information to complete a fold-up detailing the pros and cons of annexation. From here, students split up into those for annexation and those against for a debate. We usually spend about one history period practicing our arguments and then hold the debate the next day.

If you aren't one for a debate, this freebie is a great way for students to decide on their own whether they think Texas should be annexed or not with this Letterman style Top Ten List.

Then we have the big reveal... Texas gets annexed into the United States. It never ceases to amaze me that even though students know that we are now part of the U.S. they are shocked to find out that we were annexed. Really, every year at least half the class is surprised. It makes me giggle a little.
From there we talk about the conditions that Texas laid out to the United States in order to be annexed. I use this PowerPoint to lead this discussion. I love that it provides a framework for our discussion and keeps us on track.

For more activities and information on the Annexation of Texas check out this bundle of activities

Books to Support the Unit:

(affiliate links)

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